
Free Florida property insurance Information session for Broward County Homeowners

Join the free online information session on Oct 11, 2023 at 6:30PM

Learn key information that 90% of Florida homeowners are unaware of that cost them thousands every year.

This free information session will cover:

• How to navigate the Florida property insurance market.
• How you can best avoid unforeseen insurance fees.
• When to, and when to NOT file an insurance claim
• Ways you can save money on your insurance premium

Complete the form below to reserve your spot! (Limited space available)

Is this session really free?

This session is 100% free. There is nothing being sold during this call, nor is there any fee to attend. This is purely an information session to help Florida homeowners

How do I attend?

This will be a fully online information session. You will get an email link when the session begins

How long is it?

This session is estimated to be 30 minutes long

What if I have questions?

If you have any questions, there will be a way to privately  ask during the end of the call 

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